Top 100 in first 100 days

Wow!  Has it really been 100 days already?  We have been asked by multiple people what our favorites are.  So here it is – our top 100 places, memories and events that both Missy and I have put together which have made our trip so amazing.

Our top 10

Best of the rest (in no particular order):

We hope you have enjoyed sharing our memories over the past 100 days. We have visited 22 countries and had such an amazing time so far. We have met some wonderful people along our journey. We are jetting off to Greece for the start of our next 100 days.

2 Replies to “Top 100 in first 100 days”

  1. I love seeing your beautiful photos and hearing about your journey! It’s like reading a book and picturing in my mind the incredible places your touring. Safe travels!

    1. Lucy,

      Sorry for the delay in responding – we were really behind with no internet in Greece and our last hotel was a Shit show. We are now in Montenegro – will do a post soon.
      How are you? School is about to start – What grade is Nicholas in?
      I hope you are great. I miss you.
      Glad you are enjoying the blog – please comment if you want to see something different or some more of something – or just comment so we know someone is still reading 🙂
      Talk to you soon Robert

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