Our South Africa Adventure – Week 1

After our crazy travels from Orlando to Rome, we were lucky to have a smooth trip to Johannesburg. The overnight flight was packed and on an older plane. Robert got the bummer seat with a TV that didn’t work but we made the most of it and tried to sleep as much as possible. We were thrilled to see the man standing at the airport exit, holding a sign with our name on it. He drove us the short distance to the By Bush Telegraph Hotel, north of Johannesburg. What a beautiful hotel. The owners were wonderful and the food we had both nights was fantastic.

Following two restful days at our hotel we set out at 6:15am for the beginning of our African Adventure Tour. We met our new friends and travel companions and then found a seat on the Nomad Adventure Truck (home for the next 20 days).

Our first three nights were spent in Kruger National Park at a Tented Lodge. We did several game drives and saw so much wildlife. Kruger is such an amazing place. We highly recommend a visit. After the fun filled  game drives, we spend the nights around the campfire talking and eating dinner.

Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our animal sightings in Kruger National Park:

Driving Panorama Route was another of the activities during our stay in Kruger. Our driver and guide took us to Blyde River Canyon to see The Three Randavels, Bourke’s Luck Potholes and God’s Window. The views were spectacular and well worth the drive. A travel tip we can share is that while God’s Window is the most famous of the sites, it’s the least exciting. Make sure not to miss the other two stops.

After three awesome days in Kruger we made the long ride in the Nomad truck to Swaziland. There we stayed at a game reserve and a beautiful lodge (with no electricity). It was a great experience. The chalets offered a very romantic setting.

During our stay we had the opportunity to do a morning bush walk with a guide. It was interesting a different from the normal game drives. We saw lots of birds, learned about the trees and even some insects in the bush. In the afternoon we did a Rhino game drive. It was excellent. Part of the activity was to get out of the game vehicle and walk with the rhinos. We had an opportunity to do it, which was exciting and a little scary too.

One day in Swaziland went quickly but we very much enjoyed it. Our next stop was St. Lucia, South Africa. We are excited to share the next week of our adventure with you soon!

One Reply to “Our South Africa Adventure – Week 1”

  1. Kruga is a great place did it a few years back also Chobe you got to see a lot of the wildlife and got great photos

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