After nearly two years of travel, visiting 70 countries on all 7 continents, we have found a place to call home. It’s been a wild ride but we would not change a single moment of it. We were lucky over the past few months to have our family and friends open their homes and lives to us as we were in limbo. We will be forever grateful for their generosity and support.

After a few months in a state of “unknown”, we are thrilled to living on the beach in South Florida. Here is how we got here…

Several weeks of looking for a job paid off and Robert accepted a position at a beach resort in South Florida. With no where to stay and no idea where we were going to live, we packed up our things. We started out in Wisconsin at my brother and sister-in-law’s house. After loading up a U-Haul with furniture they gifted to us, we drove our newly purchased car and the U-Haul south toward the Sunshine State. We made great time making it all the way to Orlando in 2 days. We squeezed as much as we could fit in the truck from our Orlando storage unit and made the final part of the drive to Fort Lauderdale. The entire trip was just over 1,500 miles.

It was such a relief to arrive at our final destination, not just for us but for our 15-year old shih tzu/terrier mix, Howie. I don’t think he could handle another hour in the front seat of the car. When he realized we were not going to drive any farther, he was so excited.
We spent the next 5 days in a hotel (not a nice one because it was during spring break, ugh!). We connected with a great real estate agent and started the hunt for the perfect place to live. I was determined to find something along A1A, near the beach, that accepted pets and had spots to park two cars. It was hard to find but we got lucky. Within in a few hours it being posted we found the perfect condo on the beach. Now we wake up every morning to beautiful sunrises over the water.
View from our balcony Typical morning view
Tomorrow I start my new position. My days of soaking up the sun have come to an end. The new chapter in our adventure begins.
It would be great to hear from you and would love to have visitors. We look forward to catching up with everyone soon!
Glad to hear that you are settled in. I will be sure to contact you whenever I’m down that way. You do the same when you’re up this way. Take care!
Congratulations to you both! You truly have shown your desire to follow your dreams. This is an experience so many people want to have but for various reasons cannot take the plunge. You did it! It must have taken a lot of bravery, resilience, budgeting, companionship skills, health awareness, compromise , adjusting,
camaraderie, fearlessness, stamina, fortitude, determination, scheduling, spirit, ambition, flexibility, and grace in the face of unscheduled changes. You are amazing! Thank you so much for letting Kenny and I share in part of the adventure! Love MOMO